Responsible Nabila Noor Nimme
Last Update 08/23/2023
Completion Time 16 hours 20 minutes
Members 2
    • geography (2)
    • Geography week 9 (1)
    • Weather and cliomate
    • color the state
    • Preview
    • week 5 geography
    • Why-are-trees-important-p2
    • 106160701251667297001
    • hydraulic-gear-pump
    • How+to+solve+LDCs.+1.Control+the+pop.+growth+_+natural+increase+by+using+family+planning,+in+order+to+decrease+the+land+use+capacity.
    • How+to+solve+improve+i)farming+&+ii)grazing+methods,+in+other+to+reduce+soil+erosion+and.+salinization.
    • Definition+Desertification+is+a+process+of+turning+the+productive+land+into+desert.
    • images (1)
    • jJxqRYojRwOt8rybaWFh_cub_efore_lesson5_figure2
    • download
    • page_1
    • 1745-1660114616
    • 106160701251667297001
    • Grade 5 Global Perspectives week (1).docx
    • Grade 5 Global Perspectives week (3).docx
    • Grade 5 Global Perspectives week (3).docx
    • Grade 5 Global Perspectives week (4).docx
  • week1
    • Day 1,2
    • Geo (1)
  • week 3
    • Day 1,2
  • week 4
    • Day 1,2
  • question paper
    • Question paper grade 5 geo