Responsible Kishor Kumar Dey
Last Update 06/12/2024
Completion Time 5 hours 50 minutes
Members 2
    • Grade 6 English Literature Class Test 1
  • The Adventure of Tom Sawyer
    • Lesson Plan of English Literature 6 Week -6.docx
  • Lesson Plan
    • Hamlet Multiple Choice Question
    • lesson plan week 10
    • lesson plan week 12
    • lesson plan week 13
    • Romeo and Juliet . Reading and explanation from pg. 256- 261. HW. Do the vocabulary work on pg. 256 – 261. Day 13. Q/A on Romeo and Juliet. HW. Complete the Q/A Project Work :Famous tragedies of William
  • lesson plane
  • Lesson plan
    • Week 1 and 2